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Otitis Media

Don’t be fooled…

Normal Tympanic Membrane
Gould et al. Pediatrics in Review March 2010, 31 (3) 102-116.

Acute Otitis Media, The Hot Angry Red Donut.
Gould et al. Pediatrics in Review March 2010, 31 (3) 102-116.

Otitis Media with Effusion, the Unfortunate Term
Gould et al. Pediatrics in Review March 2010, 31 (3) 102-116.

TM Potpourri



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Sakulchit T et al.  Antibiotic therapy for children with acute otitis media. Can Fam Physician. 2017 Sep; 63(9): 685–687.

Wright D et al.  Treatment of Otitis Media with Perforated Tympanic Membrane. Am Fam Physician. 2009 Apr 15;79(8):650-654.