You work hard to keep up-to-date. Why not get credit for it!
The Playbook is proud to offer Continuing Education units courtesy of the Pediatric Liaison Nurses of Los Angeles County and the Department of Emergency Medicine, Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.
To claim credit, please follow this link to take you to the Pediatric Liaison Nurses (PdLN) website.
After you have registered, follow the topic-specific link for a particular podcast, take the quiz for that topic, and claim your Continuing Education (CE) units!
Note: these CE credits are approved for nurses, nurse practitioners, paramedics, allied prehospital personnel, and respiratory therapists.
The Playbook would like to thank the wonderfully talented, dedicated, and extraordinarily hardworking Nancy E. McGrath, MN, RN, CPNP-AC/PC, Pediatric Liaison Nurse, and my mentor and friend. Thank you Nancy!